ACIS accredits, supports, and advances the interests of Colorado independent schools.


February 13, 2025 - June 27, 2025

The President is the chief executive and administrative officer of the school and is ultimately responsible for the distinctly Catholic and independent character of the school’s philosophy and practice. The President’s role is vital in providing inspiration, developing a common vision, and in preserving unity within the educational community. As the leader of the school, the President has the responsibility, with the Board of Trustees, for planning and establishing policies, practices, and procedures that affect the school’s ability to carry out its mission of education and formation. The President’s leadership responsibility extends to the student body, faculty, and staff. The President is also the institutional spokesperson and will represent the school to internal and external community groups. The President supervises and directs the Management Team consisting of the Principal, the Director of Finance, HR, & Business Operations, the Director of Philanthropy, the Director of Marketing, and the Director of Admissions & Financial Aid.  The successful candidate will leverage the Management Team and the Board of Trustees to lead the school in development, implementation, maintenance, and monitoring of an exceptional program that supports and promotes the school’s mission and values, placing special emphasis on both the financial health and long-term viability, and the religious and spiritual orientation, of the school.  The President reports directly to the Board of Trustees, who will be responsible for reviewing the position’s performance annually.

Escuela de Guadalupe will continue to accept applications for the role until the position has been filled, and encourages anyone that may be interested in the position to apply by contacting Martin Coover at [email protected] The role of President will have a start date in the summer of 2025 in advance of the 2025/2026 school year.

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