Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2023

Friends Middle School Open House

October 18, 2023 05:00 PM

Join us for an open house to learn more about our curriculum, meet our teachers, ask questions, and tour our classrooms at our North Campus. See what sets Friends middle school program apart from other schools. Friends Middle School balances high academic standards with social emotional literacy. Each student is seen as an individual and shown great empathy for the challenges that adolescents face during this transition in life. Because our students feel connected to current events and actively make their voices heard, everything they learn feels purposeful. Middle School academics are rooted in inquiry-based learning. Our students practice and gain mastery in asking questions, evaluating sources, and analyzing information, to learn how to find truth and meaning in today’s world. When they move on to high school, they're not only academically confident, they believe in themselves and their ability to meet life’s challenges and successes. Middle School open houses are for parents and students are welcome to attend.


Bixby School Open House

October 18, 2023 10:00 AM

Discover why we are so excited about the Bixby School community and how our students are happy and thriving. Meet with Nina Lopez, Head of School, Danielle Hermon, Director of Admissions & Advancement, Amanda Tumminaro, Director of Early Childhood, and Dr. Jessica Howard, Director of Teaching and Learning. We look forward to learning more about you and your family.